Vehicle Loans

Eliminate guess work and take advantage of our auto buying tools along with our Vehicle Loan FAQs during your search helping you make an informed decision. Tri Boro FCU is member-owned, allowing us to stay competitive with our Terms & Rates.

New & Used Car Loans

You can get your vehicle loan at Tri Boro FCU several ways, before going to the dealership with Pre-Qualification, at the dealership or through a private party.

New Car/Truck Loans
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
APR* As Low AsTerm
7.090% Less than 60 Months
7.190% Up to 63 Months
7.590% Up to 75 Months
8.040% Up to 84 Months

**.25% will be added for the refinance of an existing Tri Boro loan.

New Autos (2024/2023) less than 5,000 miles. 
Rate is determined by member's credit worthiness and borrowing limits.
All loan approvals are subject to normal underwriting guidelines.
Older vehicles will be subjected to a Condition Report.
Vehicle loans may require 20%-25% downpayment.  All vehicles must be titled.
* Annual Percentage Rate
Financing must originate at Tri Boro FCU

Used Car/Truck Loans
Effective Date: Tuesday, March 25th, 2025
APR* As Low AsTerm
7.290% Up to 63 Months
7.790% Up to 75 Months
Older Model Vehicles (2015 & Older)
9.290% Up to 48 Months
**.25% will be added for the refinance of an existing Tri Boro loan.
Rate is determined by member's credit worthiness and borrowing limits.
All loan approvals are subject to normal underwriting guidelines.
Older vehicles will be subjected to a Condition Report.
Vehicle loans may require 20%-25% downpayment.  All vehicles must be titled.
* Annual Percentage Rate
Financing must originate at Tri Boro FCU

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Recreational Vehicles

Add some fun to life! Tri Boro FCU also has Recreational Vehicle Loans for Motorcycles, RVs (including motor homes and campers), Boats and ATVs.

ATV Loans
APR* As Low AsTerm
9.450% Up to 54 Months
9.750% Up to 63 Months
10.250% Up to 75 Months
Used ATV
9.700% Up to 54 Months
10.000% Up to 63 Months
10.500% Up to 75 Months
**.25% will be added for the refinance of an existing Tri Boro loan.
Rate is determined by member's credit worthiness and borrowing limits.
All loan approvals are subject to normal underwriting guidelines.
Older vehicles will be subjected to a Condition Report.
Vehicle loans may require 20%-25% downpayment.  All vehicles must be titled.
* Annual Percentage Rate
Financing must originate at Tri Boro FCU

RV/Boat Loans
Effective Date: 03/25/2024
APR* As Low AsTerm
New RV/Boat
7.740% Up to 63 Months
8.040% Up to 75 Months
8.740% Up to 84 Months
9.240% Up to 120 Months
9.740% Up to 180 Months
Used RV/Boat
7.840% Up to 63 Months
8.140% Up to 75 Months
9.740% Up to 84 Months
9.940% Up to 120 Months
10.440% Up to 180 Months
Older Model RV or Boat (2014 & Older)
11.190% Up to 48 Months
12.190% Up to 84 Months
12.690% Up to 120 Months
13.190% Up to 180 Months
**.25% will be added for the refinance of an existing Tri Boro loan.
Rate is determined by member's credit worthiness and borrowing limits.
All loan approvals are subject to normal underwriting guidelines.
Older vehicles will be subjected to a Condition Report.
Vehicle loans may require 20%-25% downpayment.  All vehicles must be titled.
* Annual Percentage Rate
Financing must originate at Tri Boro FCU

Motorcycle Loans
Effective Date: 03/25/2024
APR* As Low AsTerm
New Motorcycle
7.740% Up to 63 Months
8.040% Up to 75 Months
Used Motorcycle
7.840% Up to 63 Months
8.140% Up to 75 Months
Older Model Motorcycle (2014 & Older)
11.190% Up to 48 Months
**.25% will be added for the refinance of an existing Tri Boro loan.
Rate is determined by member's credit worthiness and borrowing limits.
All loan approvals are subject to normal underwriting guidelines.
Older vehicles will be subjected to a Condition Report.
Vehicle loans may require 20%-25% downpayment.  All vehicles must be titled.
* Annual Percentage Rate
Financing must originate at Tri Boro FCU

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Model Years
Model YearMaximum Term
New 2025-2021 Up to 84 Months
Used 2023-2021 Up to 78 Months
2020-2018 Up to 75 Months
2018-2017 Up to 72 Months
2016 Up to 60 Months
2015 Up to 54 Months
Includes Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles and ATVs

THIS NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY LAW. Read more at FTC.GOV. You have the right to a free credit report from or 877-322-8228, the ONLY authorized source under federal law."

Take me to the authorized source

We grant loans regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, handicap, or family status. All disclosures will be provided at loan closing

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