Share Certificates

Share Certificates are a safe and convenient way to earn higher dividends on your deposits for a specific locked term. We offer many different share certificates with terms ranging from 91 days through 5 years. From time to time we also offer “special term” certificates and rates.

Share Certificate Rates
Effective Date: 02/27/2025
Account TypeAPR*APY**Minimum Balance
91 Day Certificate 1.00% 1.00% $1,000.00
6 Month Certificate 1.99% 2.00% $1,000.00
**7 Month Certificate 4.24% 4.30% $1,000.00
**11 Month Certificate 4.09% 4.15% $1,000.00
12 Month Certificate 2.48% 2.50% $500.00
**13 Month Certificate 3.97% 4.05% $1,000.00
18 Month Certificate 2.48% 2.50% $500.00
24 Month Certificate 2.72% 2.75% $500.00
36 Month Certificate 3.20% 3.25% $500.00
48 Month Certificate 3.21% 3.25% $500.00
60 Month Certificate 3.48% 3.52% $500.00
1 Year IRA Certificate 2.38% 2.40% $500.00
3 Year IRA Certificate 3.12% 3.15% $500.00
5 Year IRA Certificate 3.36% 3.40% $500.00

*APR = Annual Percentage Rate **APY = Annual Percentage Yield

** Limitied Time Specials! This limitied time offer may end at any time without prior notice. $1,000.00 Minimum Deposit. 
Share Certificate dividends are paid quarterly.
Share Certificate early withdrawal penalty: less than 6 months Share Certificates = loss of 90 days dividends, 6 – 12 month Share Certificates = loss of 120 days dividends, 12-36 month Share Certificates = loss of 210 days dividends, and 36 months or more Share Certificates = loss of 240 days.
Fees may reduce earnings

Share Certificate Type Minimum Deposit Penalty Options
91 Day Non-Compounded $2,500.00 90 Days Dividends transferred to share account
6 month Non-Compounded $2,500.00 120 Days Dividends transferred to share account
12 month Non-Compounded or Compounded Quarterly $500.00 210 Days Non-Compounded monthly or Compounded posted quarterly
18 month Non-Compounded or Compounded Quarterly $500.00 210 Days Non-Compounded monthly or Compounded posted quarterly
24 month Non-Compounded or Compounded Quarterly $500.00 210 Days Non-Compounded monthly or Compounded posted quarterly
36 month Non-Compounded or Compounded Quarterly $500.00 240 Days Non-Compounded monthly or Compounded posted quarterly
48 month Compounded Quarterly $500.00 240 Days Compounded posted quarterly
60 month Non-Compounded or Compounded Quarterly $500.00 240 Days Non-Compounded monthly or Compounded posted quarterly

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